The Cincinnati Post from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

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SAILING SAILING OVER THE SEA THAT'S NOT STORMY MORE GOLFERS IN POST GALLERY FRAUD SUSPECT WANTED HERE i Took $35000 to Secure Release of Convict Charge SLAYINGS BREAK UP FAMILIES Elsmere Ky Boy 17 Kills Father With Wood Plane FOUR LOCAL INDICTMENTS WAS PROTECTING MOTHER Canal Ad CINCINNATI P08T JUNK 10 FAQ! 3 VETERANS' FIGHT DEBTTERMS French Seek Reduction of Burden By Vnltcd Prcu PARIS June 10 Altho the Owen Young plan for reparations payments provides for the allied nations more then will be required by them to liquidate their own war obligations several war veterans' associations have started a concerted campaign for a reduction in France's debts to tbe United States and Great Britain The veterans want at least a safeguard clause in the agreement mak- ing France's payments to America and Great Britain depend upon payments to the allies especially France The veterans insist also that France refuse to evacuate the Rhineland in fashion premature and dangerous to the security of the Above all they ask that France refuse to ratify the pact until all other nations have ratified it In most quarters however the signing of the agreement came as a great relief and it is taken for granted that the agreement la as good as adopted ELOPEMENT IS BIGAMY FLEA BIRMINGHAM ENG: Mrs Mar-i garet Logan accused of bigamy pleaded that she had thought her elopement marriage at Gertna Green was not really legal FIRES still burning in a pottery in Fulham London were first lighted 258 years ago The kilns in use today are very little different from those in use 250 years ago the Orpheum worked out a to make Orpheum patrons they were going aboard a whenever they are ushered their seats by these captains program chartered an airplane Mt Healthy Airport and Bpringdale-rd to fly neighboring city morning engagement him at Cincinnati until noon was to sing at Portsmouth at and had to be back in by 7:30 pilot at the Mt Healthy flew Warner to Portsmouth Names of Coolidge and New Used on Cincinnati police will ask Los Angeles authorities to surrender George Meadows under arrest there on charges of defrauding the father and wife of a Leaven worth Penitentiary convict of $35000 by promising to use his "influence" to obtain the man's release Meadows former Unlverslt: Southern California football former local semiprofessional player and recently an outfielder of the Portland Ore Pacific Coast League team is wanted here on four indictments charging forgery embezzlement and conversion of property In May 1921 George Hollis 227 Congress-st swore to a warrgnt charging Meadows with forgery The following December Hollis charged Meadows with selling property ne had pledged to secure a bonding transaction Charges Multiply In the same year Stublcr accused Meadows of embezzlement and Harry Benneker 211 Broadway accused him of forgery Meadows was arrested at Lexington but Governor Morrow of Kentucky refused to honor extradition papers In 1924 Meadows -was indicted in Fayette-co Ky on a charge of alleged conversion of the funds of the Kentucky Co-operative Coal Co by which he was employed Meadows who had gone to Los Angeles was freed on a habeas corpus writ when it was found Kentucky's extradition papers were faulty While here Meadows lived with his wife at 2960 Observatory-rd He played on an Oakley baseball team and later in the Blue Grass League Promises Release He was arrested in Los Angeles Saturday on warrants In which John Osborne and Mrs- Laura Osborne charge he took $33000 from them to obtain the release from Leavenworth Penitentiary of John Osborne one of the convicted Valhalla Cemetery promoters Meadows it is claimed displayed a of with Calvin Coolldge's name signed to it Meadows said Harry 8 New former postmaster general and William Donovan former assistant attorney general had aided him in obtaining the HOLDS-LICENSE The Ohio Real Estate License Commission met Monday at the Realtors' Building and began hearing eight cases to be disposed of during the two-day session here Those present were: Jacoby Marlon chairman: Max Rudolpu Cleveland Alan Becher Dayton and Leake Columbus secretary The annual outing of the Cincinnati Real Estate Board will be June 19 at Cody's Farm VACATION TIME No Clarice they are not admirals They are the house staff of the Orpheum Theater Peebles Corner in their new summer uniforms Chester Martin manager ARRIVALS Watson Airport titular ni Himiuil Irtim Clt-ro-Uml Whirlwind Ktrumiuii Hiitidnr- irnutll from Loulurlllc Whirlwind Travel Air Hnndny ni airmail from Cleveland Kitklipr nuuinplanr Sunday 1 airmail from Louia-villr ynkkt-r nuinaplano Sunday a Pavla monoplane from Davlon Sunday 11:03 a ni airmail from Cleveland Whirlwind Travt-i Air Lunken Airport Sumkiy ni two Whirlwind Trayi-1 Aire from Newark anil IhM-tun Sunday 4:00 Ryan monoplane from Kl Wnrili Ti-x Sunday hi Whirlwind Syallow from Wii-hfta Kan Sunday 1 airmail from Chii-aao Flnniinsro monoplane Sunday If ni Plamincc monoplane from Krankfort 1ml Sunday a Commandairc biplane from Marion Ky DEPARTURES Watson Airport Monday a airmail for Louia-villr Whirlwind Hlrnrmau Sunday pi airmail for Cleveland Whirlwind Travel Air Sunday 1:115 airmail for Louia-villa Knkkrr monoplane Sunday 1:50 airmail for Cleveland Kokki-r monoplane Sunday 1 1 a Pavia monoplane for Paylon Sunday (I a in airmail lor Loula-ville Whirlwind Travel Air Lunken Airport Sunday 5 ni airmail far rhii-aro nionnplmu Kunilnjr a Cummamlairc biplane lor Murimi Ky WEATHER By Weather Bureau Cincinnati Cincinnati to riiteayn: Gintle ahifiin mirfaMi wuula ranii nouihwHi to auiiih near rhirau Miaicrato ahiltiiur aloft (flit fnNh miutli went near rtiicauo Fair wraiher with iiMTcaainy clouilincMi extreme norihweat portion Aviation SCone ft Ohio Valley except Indiana: Mnutiy clrnr aky Ihia altminoti ISenile barfable wiiwU: mostly uorthfip uver aoub imrtHiti moilcraia nurteaat aloft THEN an engagement to sing at Portsmouth came between two engagements at Cincinnati Sunday Thomas Warner director of the Ninth Street Baptist Church musi- Outdoors is calling Vacation time is ahead The Post's Washington Bureau has a packet of eight of Its Interesting bulletins that will prove of value to you in planning your vacation trip no matter what it is The bulletins are: Auto Camping and Touring Care of the Skin Vacation Doctor and First-Aid Hints Care of the Hair Outdoor Games Amateur Photography Etiquet of Travel How to Swim A packet containing these eight bulletins will be sent to any reader on request Fill out the coupon below and send tor it CLIP COUPON HERE VACATION EDITOR Washington Bureau The Cincinnati Post 1322 New York-av Washington I want the VACATION PACKET of eight bulletins and inclose herewith 25 cents in coin or loose uncanceled 8 postage stamps to cover postage and handling costs STATE CINCINNATI POST NAME ST AND NO CITY am a reader of THE Aa new as of plan think yacht to cal at the Cole-rain-plke to the held He 4 Cincinnati Skocdouole field in an American Eagle plane William Reese made a parachute Jump at the Mt Healthy Airport Sunday in the place of Mayer who suffered torn ligaments in a drop Memorial Day With a view to increasing the flying school facilities st Watson Airport Major Hugh Watson and De Forest of the airport company are to go to New York Tuesday from where they will visit a number of eastern flying schools Gilbert Mosby president of the Mosby Medicine Co will accompany the two He is Interested in selecting one or more airplanes for use in his business Ralph La Pere thrilled the throne of Sunday visitors with a delayed parachute drop Visitors at the Dixie Davis Plying Field Becchmont-av Sunday saw Fred Cole make another double-delayed para-hute drop As a part of a program to promote aviation the Detroit 8teel Products Co has purchased an airplane for the business use of Art Sowdon head of the company's aeronautical department according to A Match manager of the Cincinnati office The plane Is a three-place 6 tear-man biplane with a J-6 300-h motor It Is equipped for night flving Sowdon credited with 2000 flying hours will be accompanied on all lghts by one who is a licensed mechanic rigger and parachute folder I the track it's SPEED Covington Matron Admits She Slew Mate With Shotgun Two fathers were killed In Kenton -co Sunday and aa a result a wife and son faced bearings Monday While attempting to protect his mother Mrs Mae Greenwood James Greenwood 17 killed his father Thomas Greenwood 47 wiltf a carpenter's plane at their home Lytle and Buckner avenues Elsmere county authorities say Rash Elsmere marshal said the father who was known as bad actor" came home drunk late Saturday and accused his wife of having him put in Jail He threatened to kill his wife their children and himself Rash said When James arrived home the boy said he saw his father with a rasor and shotgun attempting to attack his mother The boy felled the father with the wood plane Takes Shotgun Away Thomas Greenwood sprang to his feet and threatened the youth with the rasor When the boy struck him again several times on the head with the plane the father aimed the shotgun at him The boy wrested the gun away and hit Greenwood on the head several times The father's skull ass fractured and he was taken to St Elisabeth Hospital Covington where he died soon afterward Arrested by Rash the boy was released on $1000 bond Rash said that when the elder Greenwood was released from Covington jail Friday he threatened the life of another man Greenwood had been fined $100 and costs and sentenced to 80 days on an assault and battery charge Funeral Wednesday Funeral services for Greenwood will be held Wednesday at 2 at the Allison Ac Rose funeral home Seventh and Scott streets Covington Burial will be in Highland Cemetery Accompanied by her daughter Bertha 9 Mrs Katlierine Hopper 28 of 434 13th-st Covington walked into Covington police headquarters early Sunday saving she had shot her husband William A Hopper She said they had quarreled and before Hopper went to bed he had placed a sword under his bed saying he would kill Mrs Hopper when she went to sleep Killed With Shotgun Shortly after midnight Mrs Hopper said she took a shotgun and holding it a foot from her husband's Raymond Tucker 15 Mrs Hopper's brother had been sleeping about three feet from Hopper and the noise failed to wake him He was awakened by Covington police Mrs Hopper was arraigned Monday In Covington Police Court on a murder charge Hopper's funeral will be Tuesday at 1:30 also from the Allison Rose funeral home Burial will be in Highland Cemetery ENTERS STORE IN "HURRY CHICAGO Eimon entered a drug store re: ment booth In a hurry She came in thru a plate glass window when a pedestrian shying at an auto which was heading over the curb bumped into her SEEKSRIGHTS IN POLAND WARSAW June An Amcrl-tAn syndicate headed by the Harri-man interests has applied for government concession for electrical development of Poland thohTo'riVer mvKg axii korktast nM'INNATT Jiiiu -'I talllmr: P'Mphiirtrh It1! InlliMii: Ifcim Xi A H4 IHtni No I1 full- Dam Xu 11 113 ti ml Itam 'i? 51 P'llii! PI T7 IhimI lif Nil XH Mnit ptf'vfT Him Ni 3K 7K Him Ni 30 1V fiilHirr: Hil fiijlf: Dhui No IIM "I nins: Pirn No 14 N1 riwiiiv: htim No i5 IIP fjilllnr: Hunt No 4 fulling Uina 7 103 fillm: 1 fruit No SIM Jfl4 fall jor: liiim No friHlinr: ltnmivlllo 17 fnlliiir Fmni No 41 in fnllmv: Pmu Nil 41 130 fallinjr: Kmonvillr Jft3 fU-4b Pwn No IM It I fnliinr! Shtwiww pm 10 I flllt: Pmluouh 313 failin'-': r-tim JiKitf fulHns 3w falNnsr: IfrVn 4A7 fnllliw: VH-N-Hiirjr fit 7 full Imr: Nw OrfoiiM 10lt ChIIIiix IIP Altorhnr at Franklin 10 04 fatlmar VononvNlwl Hi ItiM'li No 7 114 talline: NiiNkinvum Ot MiiiliHinrr at Icrnitim JIN hiniitMiiirv! Niw ffinlnn 03 Kmiawha hi Kanawhh Vm1I 0 riMnr: KniumtIin at riirk4iim 7 vwm afaai: fiiiyaiMfnM- hi Ijkmii 31 litv Ttir Fork at Wi1hntvnii Knrk af Piki'villt tiiN bhlimcin 1 1 l4ri nr at Kmiwra MifMiniiv: Witmii nlnio'lnn fulling: HtMiim-kv af HraiM-villa 113 ritfltir: Krmtinkv Krinkfnrt 0 fnlliiur: Wahawlt at Trr- llmilc ftl fnltlnr: rnitilmrintnl af llintmiil" 4 ritniharlNfnt af NiHvif Kit filhmr: Tin-iisee at Ktintvllii 0 rofnt TirmMMiw ui fTiitlannnsa Iff 7 fnlliiur: hi VlnrvrHw A fulllmr Tmiiim-wm af JmIiiiwmi villa 0 0 -i Hsu riiiHiwi 4 0 Hlni Nniwwlpt Kiiiknk 10 tfitllnv: at Oniilia ftHnit: WiawinH af 311 iMlhnw: at lanil 01 A f-ilfliia: Ar kanaaa af 1lllk Rnk fK lllrnr Ohio Klvff ilimw down In ml ini-linlifir No Of an eniwflv lit: OK i railir Tha Otiln HIvm from fkn nmittli of Hu Kijawha tn I ho ninnlli of lli Krtilii'kv vm ha ahnnf nfainiarr nr rt' Nitnaahal tnnlahl ml wrnr Mear tills cereal So crisp it crackles out Itnul when you pour on milk or cream Tousled rice grains Kicli with flavor Soiicitiing new fur breakfast Ucji-cious for lunch Uso in candiea macaroons Sprinkle into soups Kiddie are fascinated by Rice Krispics Order from your grocer A crisp red-nnd-green package Made by Kellogg in Hattie Creek RICE kCISPiLS Here at top are George Bryan Jr and Wlrthlin with A1 Baumgartner at bottom more golfers at Hyde Park Country Club who looked up from busy moments on the links right into The Post's camera EARLIEST attempt to construct a two-wheel vehicle which would run under Its own the birth of the modern was made by Austin of Win thro Mass in 1868 on in Hoover May Send Marines to Vl ultra WASHINGTON June Coincident with the launching of the drive to stay the Increasing flow of liquor thru Detroit from Canada it became known today that President Hoover is considering use of marines to aid in enforcement The President has been advised by Seymour Lowman assistant treasury secretary and James Doran prohibition commissioner that conditions in Detroit are the worst in the United States Both officials are in Detrfoit to supervise launching of warfare on smug- gling by 27 additional coast guard1 vessels and several hundred more prohibition customs sgainets It is understood Hoover believes the success with which marines were used several years ago in guarding mail cars coupled with the seriousness of the Detroit situation warrants sending a regiment of marines to aid in the battle- "Marines could be used effectively at Lowman said "I have ordered every prohibition agent and customs officer who can be spared to report to Lowman instructed Captain Rausmussen commander of the Great Lakes Division of the Coast Guard to send 27 more patrol boats to the west end of Lake Erie Ten are fast 75-foot boats with eight men crews and rapid-lire guns and the remaining 17 will be patrol boats Not since the time the launched its drive against the New York have dry officials shown such interest CAR JUMPS TRACK College Hill Traffic Drlayed 40 Minutes by Accidcut Ail Inbound College Hill street car Jumped the track at Frederick and Hamilton avenues at 7:05 a Monday causing a 40-minute traffic delay on the College Hill and Clif-ton-Ludlow lines north of Chase-av A defective wheel is believed to have caused the derailment No one was injured Cars outbound from the city were turned at Chase and Hamilton avenues during the traffic ticup EDWARD II BRINK Walter Dalle John Fek and Emil -C Bailsman ere birthdnylies of the Cincinnati Club Monday TINTtX BLUE BOX Tints Silk-Leaves Lace Untouched TheiHHMU Paris lingrrie Is faahinnnl in silks nf psHtd similes willi darker larm fur trimming The smsrlml wimrn rvrrywiierr arn wearing this new lingerie anil are using Times in the iiliw line tn keen it just-like-new Fur Tintrx in tlie Ulna Rim mines tlie silk willmtit trnieli-Ing the lare! Anil like Tintes in the Gray ling fur timing and dyeing all materials it's so siinjile tn imr Just "lint as run rinw" no muss no fuss Anil perferl results always! Atkyaur desire to let you see the new Tintes Giiur It slniwa the smartest mines on actual materials Tin: TINTEX Vrmlucmjor errry ornr-Ihillng ami Dyring AWf Tintrx Cray Tints and dye sit materials I Tintrx Itlur lure trimmed lint tlie eilk lane remain while Tintrx Mr Remove old roiuc from any material so it caa lie dyed new miur IThltrx Hie new Idiilng fur restoring whilenessliMilIjsli At all drug dept stnrrif TLA gsml tiniioa munirntiLUP TINTS ano DYES as modern as today9 as comfortable as home 1 MOTELS STATLEM 1 tost Oil Unffnlo Cleveland A Detroit SI Louis New York (i Hotel I'ennuflrania) 1 and more for your money al- waym radio when you throw a twitch ice-waler when you prrm valve the morning paper under your door a good library at your dispoiuil a trading lamp at your Ixsl-hrad your own private belli all these things whatever the prire nf your room at no added mat Kralauranla front luiich-eounler or cafeteria to formal a la rarte dining rooms in each hotel Fixed rates are peeled in every Sutler room the newest cigarette its TASTE TASTE above everything Taste shows in Chesterfield in the tobaccos we aromatic leaf of good "body" free from harshness high In natural sugar mild ripe It shows too in the way we blend and "cross-blend" them Most of all it shows in the wsy men stick MILD and yet 1 THEY SATISFY a to for that final proof of taste! esterf i eld to for final proof of taste! FINE TURKISH and DOMESTIC tobaccos not only BLENDED but CROSS-BLENDED Lv eveb 11110111 MS suss ii eiisisuioM SSTSSLISHtD ISSO GUARANI I IS IIIAr 1INTCX Will II MOP St 3) RICE KRISPIES 9 IO4lJ0r0TT MysssTosacco Col.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Views: 5953

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.